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Friday 4 June 2010

Gardening for a rest

Having exhausted the search for the perfect synopsis, yesterday morning I spent gardening; refreshing the spirit by manual labour. The hawthorn, berberis and pyrocantha are all now relatively tamed. At least they won't snag the clothes of unwary visitors or neighbours using their own paths to their houses. And the pond is now almost free of blanket weed. So, the afternoon found me knackered but spiritually revived enough to start again. But, first things first; I thought I should acquaint myself with the needs and requirements of the agents I intend to approach. That left me knowing I needed to produce a single page, double-spaced synopsis for most. That's around 450 words for a novel exceeding 270,000 words. But my writing friends sent advice and  samples and I've had another go. It seems to be goind well, but I'll let you know the general feeling of my writing group after next Wednesday's meeting.
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