Many blogs act simply as marketing platforms for their authors. Whilst I accept this is a legitimate use of the medium, and I have done a small amount of marketing on this blog, I want to make this particular blog more of a service to my readers.

What I’d like is for as many of my readers as possible to take the trouble to place a comment and let me know what YOU want.
So, go to it. Fire me up with ideas, challenge me, be suggestive, be rude, be demanding, be inspiring, be selective. Tell me what you’d really like to see on this blog that aims to entertain, educate, stimulate and interest all those who care about books. Please.
Word of the Day is divorced from the post that precedes it and produced in response to a request from a follower to provide just such a service.
Word of the Day; ode – a poem, usually rhymed, formed as an address. ‘Having discovered and read Ode on a Grecian Urn by Keats, Claude tried to write an Ode on a Tea Urn, but, somehow, it lacked the gravitas and inspiration of the original.’
I like the interviews and reviews, and what you think is interesting that can throw off the regular routine of what one might expect.
Thanks for that, Terry. I'll see waht I can come up with.
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