Though my life began in Tampa, Florida, I’ve lived all over the United States and even spent some time in England. Sure do miss the fish and chips.
I started writing in my youth when my vivid dreams stayed with me long after I had them. The people and worlds were so amazing and detailed it was like I knew them inside and out. You can meet them in my books. They’re alive there now, learning, loving, and experiencing everything they deserve.
I currently live in a small community in Arkansas, USA. Yes, cows wander the field across the street. I’ve worked in a variety of settings, from bookkeeper to detention deputy. Wow, to all the different personalities I’ve met.
I’m the mother of two children, a bird, a cat, and a rag-mop dog. All-in-all, I love my life. It affords me the opportunity to do what I love. Spend time with my family and write, write, write.
Tell us about Cornerstone Deep in a few sentences.
Believe in love. Believe in soul mates. Believe the Wizards of Shilo Manor will correct their wrong. Believe they will infuriate the Noblemen and the Gods of Cornerstone Deep.
How did you come to write this particular book?

If you have a favourite character in your novel, why that particular one?
I would have to choose Cole as my favorite character in Cornerstone Deep. He’s so lost-love sick. He’s the most romantic hearted character wondering around in my head. On the outside, he’s moody, hard-hearted. But get him near his soul mate and his soul takes over.
Where and when is your novel set?
I believe this would best be answered by a character native to Cornerstone Deep. Mianna, if you would?
Hello, my new friends. Charlene has asked me to take a moment and talk about Cornerstone Deep. I’m very pleased that she has chosen me to introduce you to my world. Naming her debut novel after my dimension is a great honor. Thank you, Charlene.
Actually, Cornerstone Deep is the formal name for Terra. It’s the position we hold in the spectrum of planes. As you know, a cornerstone is a vital part of any building or structure. In this case, you could think of an arch. It begins and ends with a cornerstone supporting each base. The meridian cap joins with the midway sections to make the structure. And yes, we have dimensions called Meridian and Midway. Of course, they have their familiar names, just as we do. Our side of the spectrum’s arch is called Deep and the other side is called Summit. Hence, Cornerstone Deep.
May Arylin’s love abide in your heart until next we meet.
How can people buy your book?
First and foremost, you can get Cornerstone Deep from my publisher, Class Act Books. But I have a list of outlets on my website. It is available in trade paperback or ebook formats. You may also order it from book stores using the ISBN: 9781935048725.
Beginning writers make many mistakes; what do you think is the most harmful?
Telling themselves that they’ll never make it and giving up!
How do you know where to begin any given story?
I like to begin with an emotional tug. Whether it’s running from a grizzly bear or breaking up a long term relationship. It endears the readers to the main character and gets them rooting for him through his trials.
What sort of displacement activities keep you from actually writing?
Do you mean the phone? Family duties? Work? Yes to all the above. Lol.
Do you have support, either from family and friends or a writing group?
I believe my daughter is my biggest supporter. She’s an avid reader and is absolutely proud that her mother is an author. Others give words of encouragement, but she’d always pushing a little harder. I’m also a member of an online writing group that has helped me iron out my ms. Thanks guys! I couldn’t have done this without you!
What inspires you most?
I’m very character driven. I’m one of those authors whose characters talk to them non-stop. Conversations, actions, reactions, and settings all play out in my mind and I have to follow them or end up going back to change what I wrote
Is there any aspect of writing that you really enjoy?
I love watching my characters grow. They’re like my children. As the story unfolds and they experience what obstacles are set in their path, I’m constantly amazed at how they handle them.
What single piece of advice would you give to writers still hoping to be published?
Never give up. Never give up. And never give up.
What are you writing now?
Cornerstone Deep was the first book in a series. I’m now working on book two, Bridging the Realms, and revising book three, World Beneath the Rock.
Do you have a website or a blog that readers can visit?
Yes. You can find me at http://charleneawilson.com, My blog is at http://charleneawilson.com/blog/, and the book trailer for Cornerstone Deep is on YouTube here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2AoBur6iMlE&feature=channel. I’m also on Facebook and Twitter.
Thank you so much for having me as a guest!
Charlene A. Wilson
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