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Monday 11 July 2011

Stuart's Daily Word Spot: Yam

Yam: noun - edible starchy tuberous root of plants of the genus Dioscorea, of the family Dioscoreaceae, used as a staple in tropical areas; plant that produces yams; moist and orange-fleshed sweet potato.

‘In parts of New Guinea, the yam is used not only as a food but also as a measure of wealth and status: the more yams a man has, the greater his position in society.’

Picture: Looking north along Cow Dale, near Huggate, East Yorkshire.

1 comment:

Linda Acaster said...

I don't know much about Yams, but the Wolds area around Huggate is a fabulous example of England's 'green and pleasant land'. You're such a good photographer, Stuart. I really don't know where you find the time.