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Thursday 3 November 2011

#NaNoWriMo Day 3 progress = 12456 words so far

Fingers CrossedImage via WikipediaBusy day. 3 writing sessions. Before breakfast, I was up and at the keyboard, with fingers flying. A break for food and a short trip to the shops with my wife; well, I needed some fresh air a rest fro my fingers.
After lunch, another session; still running well, but a touch of back ache from sitting so long in one position, so I had a break and did a bit of exercise to get the blood flowing.
After the evening meal, a third session that took me to a total of 5,900 words for the day. I suppose that seems a lot. But I've set myself a challenge beyond the NaNoWriMo one of 50,000 by the end of the month. I want to have something that's actually the length of a proper novel, so I've set my target at 120,000 words for the month. That's an average of 4,000 a day. I work all day Mondays & Tuesdays, and half a day on Wednesdays, so I won't manage so many words on those days. That means I need to put in more work on the other 4 days, if I'm to reach the target. And I am determined to do that. So far, I've reached the target for day 3. Hopefully, I'll be able to continue tomorrow at the same rate.
Wish me luck - I'll need it!
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