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Wednesday 14 December 2011

Stuart's Daily Word Spot (Antonyms): Jaded/Refreshed

Aan de Zuidpool
Image via Wikipedia


Jaded: verb - exhausted, worn out; fatigued, tired; sated, dulled.

Refreshed: verb - gave fresh strength or energy to someone; reinvigorated or revived; made oneself fresher or more energetic by resting, walking, taking food or drink; relieved or cleared of; renewed.

'Years of gambling, drinking and womanising had left Reginald jaded and lacking in the lust for life he'd so eagerly embraced as a younger man.'

'The final three days of walking beneath the searing sun of the dessert had left Giselle worn, drawn and thirsty, but a plunge into the cool clear waters of the oasis pool soon refreshed her mind, spirit and body so that she felt revived enough to continue her journey.'

1287 – the Zuider Zee seawall collapsed, causing the loss of 50,000 lives
1911 – the South Pole was first reached; Norwegian Roald Amundsen leading his party across the icy wastes.

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Mina Burrows said...

Hi Stuart! I'm now a follower! :) said...

Welcome, Mina.