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Sunday 6 May 2012

The Writing Week

An odd week all in all, but fairly positive. I've written 2,600 words of a new short story, edited 4 chapters of the current WIP novel, updated the blog, including the gallery and the Writing Contests page, and joined a new photography community online.
Took a break to collect my daughter from university, where she has now completed her first year (somewhat early, as the course she is doing requires no exams, but a dissertation and a full blown photo exhibition in her final year).
Been in the garden, when the weather allowed, and entered more photographs on my Facebook page.
The writing course, under the title The Artists Way, by Julia Cameron, continues to go well, with new thoughts and insights occurring more or less daily. 7 weeks of the 12 done so far. I'd recommend this for anyone who feels in any way blocked creatively.
My birthday on Wednesday, so some small celebrations planned. One more year and I take retirement from my day job and gain the time to work full time on the writing.
Also, the annual tax return must be done next week.
How goes the writing and reading with you out there?
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Paula RC said...

Wow you have been busy. Happy Birthday for Wednesday. I did plant a few veggies in my garden but the slugs enjoyed them.

Good luck with your writing and photography projects said...

Thanks, Jamara, enjoy your time in Whitby, a splendid old town, and good luck with your writing.