As artists (sorry if that
term makes you uncomfortable, but perhaps you should be looking at your view of
your role as a creative spirit?), we’re more organic, less easily defined by
rules, more open to the bending and even the ditching of external influences on
our behaviour.
So, where am I going with
Let’s face it, if we call
ourselves writers, our first love, our primary drive, is writing: yes? If your
answer to that is not ‘yes’ then I suggest you examine your reasons for placing
words in specific order on pages. It may be that you’re an entrepreneur who’s
spotted an opening in a market that just happens to involve the skill of
writing. Perhaps you’ve seen the zillions paid for certain best-sellers, and
identified a niche you could fill by writing the same story with different
names and locations. It works. It’s been done countless times. But it doesn’t
make you a writer; it makes you a businessman/woman.
Writers of fiction are
more concerned with the words they present, the stories they tell, the effects
of those compositions on their readers. Money, fame, success are all viewed as
ancillary to the craft and inspiration of actually setting the right word in the
right place. Imagination is the primary resource of the storyteller and the
emotional punch of the story is the reward.
I’m not making judgments
here. If the business approach suits you, that’s your choice. If, on the other
hand, the role of the storyteller, the ancient role that started around the
fire in the mouth of the cave as a way to explain the world and its wonders and
terrors, drives you, then that is also your choice. Unfortunately, for those of
us so inclined the world has moved into an era where the majority of the
advice, help and support for writers is aimed at those for whom money is the
major mover. Talent, it seems, is less valuable.
It’s very easy to be drawn
into the world of marketing, promotion, advertising and generally concentrating
on making ‘a living’. And, of course, we live in a world where making a living
is paramount to mere survival, so the pressures are intense.
The issue then, for those
of us who are essentially creative beings, is achieving a balance between
making enough to allow us to survive and giving ourselves the freedom of
thought and action that will nurture and develop our talents as tellers of
I write this post as a
taster only. As a way to introduce the idea that we may need to examine our
priorities if we’re to lead full and rewarding lives as writers. For my
personal approach, watch this space. I’ll provide my answers soon; just as soon
as I’ve reached an actual conclusion, in fact!
And, for the time being, I
ask you to consider just one question:
Why do you write?
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