1) What are you
working on?
The short answer is
‘Too much!’. I’m approaching the end of a marathon penultimate edit of book 3
(around 200k words) of my epic fantasy trilogy, A Seared Sky, book 1 of which, Joinings,
was published by Fantastic Books Publishing at the end of March. I’m finalising
research for a sci-fi novelette. Producing posts for my blog relating to A Seared Sky, to enhance readers’
experience. Writing short stories. Participating in various online forums with
Goodreads, LinkedIn and Facebook.
2) What is happening
around you while you write?
Ah, now that’s where
I’m fortunate. My daughter’s away from home on her third year at university, at
the moment. She’ll be home at the end of the month, so I’ll no doubt be
involved with her various ‘Dad…?’ demands then. My wife, who acts as one of my
beta readers, is applying a fine-tooth comb to each chapter as I print it off.
In the background, my iMac is playing a selection from 1414 tracks on iTunes; a
mix of pop, rock, jazz and classical. I find the music has the effect of
excluding other sounds. Outside my window, across the drive, the neighbour’s hedge peeks over our
wooden fence and occasionally hosts songbirds. Recently, as a way of holding back
the deterioration of my aging body fit, I’ve taken to setting my audio alarm (I
use the Howler Timer) for an hour at a time and I then get up and use a
skipping rope for a few minutes (I was once a boxer, so I know the value of
skipping as an aerobic exercise). Floor to ceiling behind me and above my desk, shelves groan
with books. Next to the window is a map for A
Seared Sky, so I can check on locations as I edit. And my desk is scattered
with odd notes and Post-its bearing scribbles I’ve recorded whilst engaged in
some otherwise uninterruptable task.
3) Explain your
research routine
Routine? Now there’s
an interesting idea. I write as a pantster. My research takes the same sort of
route. In other words, I discover I need to know something, so I see what I can
find out about it. No plan, no programme, no set routine at all. At present,
I’m gathering information for a sci-fi novelette, so I’m viewing certain TV
programmes, reading snippets from reference books, visiting various websites.
All the information is placed in a file on the computer, to be dredged as and
when required as I write the story. I’ve done the character sketches already
and the basis of the story lurks somewhere within the tangle of my subconscious
mind, to ooze out once I start dedicating time to the creation.
4) Which comes first
plot strand, character, or...?
Character. Actually,
that’s not strictly true. Usually, what
happens is that an idea strikes me. It can stem from something someone says, an
item in the news, another story I’m reading (or writing), or may simply pop out
of thin air when I’m out walking with my wife. I keep notebooks, and a voice recorder,
for such moments of inspiration. I allow the idea to simmer within the warm
juices of my brain (it’s mostly water in there) until it demands special
notice. It’s then that I develop character sketches for what I believe will be
the main players. Once at that stage, I begin the creation of the story. I
don’t plot. But I have a sort of skeletal diagram in my head of the story, and
I generally have a fairly good idea of where the story ends (that’s not to say
the characters won’t rebel and send it to another destination entirely, of
course!). The rest just happens as I sit at the keyboard. I never edit a word until the story is
complete. Of course, this means that the editing process is lengthy and
detailed. But that’s how I write. I’ve tried other methods and none of them
works for me.
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PennyGrubb is a crime-writing academic who cures by day and kills by night. Her
fourth novel, Where There's Smoke, is due out in paperback later this year.
Penny is following me on this trail, her post appears 16th May;
click here to reach it.
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