But, it is written with humour and doesn’t take itself
seriously. The story is well structured and carries enough detail for
credibility without boring the reader with the usual fine points about guns,
plots etc. It is different. The pacing is good and much of the story
believable. The barriers placed in the way of success are difficult and
challenging without being impossible.
Unusually, for a spy thriller, the characters, in spite of
fitting the usual profiles, are drawn with care and given depth so that the
reader actually cares about what happens.
The plot, involving a secret weapon of immense danger to the
world in general, a soviet-based antihero and those who wish to illuminate him,
and a rogue CIA man on a mission to save the world, is entertaining and
gripping. I read the book in a couple of sittings. The final half holding my
attention so well that I completed that in one go. The denouement is satisfying
but leaves the reader wondering just enough.
For lovers of thrillers, this is a must read. For those who
generally find such works uninviting, I suggest you give this one a try; you
might be pleasantly surprised. I was. As a reader who tends to avoid thrillers,
I was entertained, surprised and amused by this one.
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