Expect the unexpected. Or, why does this have to happen to me right now?
Yesterday, the wardrobe collapsed. As I yanked a jacket from its overstuffed interior, there was the sound of metal snapping, followed by creaks, and the entire structure folded itself neatly sideways like a short row of dominoes. Yesterday I shut the door on it all.
Today I face facts. Disasters must be dealt with, and never mind what else I have scheduled in life—like starting a new chapter. Kneeling, I wriggle my hands into the mass of trapped clothes and, one at a time, unhook the hangers and extricate each piece. Slow work, if I want to avoid damage.
Garments pile up on the bed in the spare room, reminding me that I have far too many clothes. And I cannot resist trying some on. Unearthing a lovely tweed cape I bought years ago, I do a twirl in front of the mirror. Very now, very fashionable, until the wearer wants to access her handbag or open a door. I postpone the decision to throw it away by reminding myself to concentrate on the task in hand. Yet when I find that a much loved cardigan is minus a button, I waste time rummaging in the button box before giving up and slinging the cardigan on the pile for repair. Sometime. Some day when I am not promised to writing.
The simplest task proves to be dismantling and removing the empty structure. I will need to buy a new wardrobe but, for today, that’s enough time wasted. Shutting the door on the sprawling mound in the spare room, I finally allow my heroine too to encounter the unexpected.
ENCHANTMENT IN MOROCCO is available as an e-book from Red Rose Publishing
My blog is at http://madeleinemcdonald.blogspot.com
Word of the Day is divorced from the post that precedes it and produced in response to a request from a follower to provide just such a service.
Word of the Day; melodrama – sensationally dramatic piece of fiction with elements crudely designed to appeal to the emotions and usually ending happily. ‘Jessica starred as the innocent maiden who, refusing to allow Baron Devillement to seduce her on the embankment, found herself tied to the rails as the evening express thundered down on her. Fortunately, handsome, dashing Cedric overcame his fear of string just in time to rescue her from this melodrama and entice her into a bit part in his new erotic revue.’
Could the reason you have too many clothes be allied to the fact that you were seduced into an impromptu fashion parade? I giggled so much the dog walked out in disgust. I think it was the mental image of the whole thing collapsing sideways like a slow but inevitable train-wreck. It would be interesting to find out what prevents other writers from getting to the keyboard. Thanks, Madeleine.
I'd be interested in this, too. If any of you have an experience you'd like to contribute, please contact me, using the 'Contact me' link at the top.
Nice comment, Avril.
I would imagine that your story rings true to many women...myself? I don't even hang my daily clothes any more...no room! LOL Thanks for brightening my day!
It's what wardrobes were made for, to distract the writer from her task. Keep it at bay, Madeleine, Enchantment in Morocco's readers can't wait around for carpentry repairs, they need the next book!
Exceptional blog article. This article was formed by a credible thinking writer. mcdvoicee
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