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Monday 14 June 2010

Dancing through the query letter

The phenakistoscope – a couple waltzingImage via Wikipedia
OK, so not entirely true. But I've been to my weekly dance class with my lovely wife tonight and come back knackered. Fox Trot, Quickstep, Waltz, Passa Doble, Tango, Jive and Samba. Great fun.
As for the query letter; well, I think I have some thing worth trying now. I'll have to see what my mentors, colleagues, critics and friends at the writing group have to say. They're a pretty astute bunch with a good deal of experience between them, so I tend to take note of what they say. I had the good fortune to come across a really good sample of a query letter, one which actually caught the attention of a literary agent and caused the book to be published. Check out for a look at the book in question.  And check out the query letter here:
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