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Sunday, 20 February 2011

Edit Almost Two Thirds Done

Next chapter waiting is 41 and page 390. So, done quite well today. In between chapters, I've done a few more bits and pieces of stuff for blog posts, prepared another author interview, been for a longish walk in the surrounding countryside with my wife, watched a recorded version of 'The Beauty of Books' on the old idiots' lantern, completed an application to join the Society of Authors and read a little. So, a quiet day, really.
Tomorrow I'm spending till the end of time at work, as I have to make up time I took off to take my daughter to her university interview. And, of course, tomorrow night is ballroom dancing with Valerie, so I'll not get back to the edit until after work on Tuesday.
Now, if some kind publisher could recognise my genius and pay me a large sum of money as an advance, I could just get on with the real work. Any takers?
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Luke Raftl said...

Sounds like a pretty productive day to me! I feel like i've been working non-stop since sunrise and realise now i've basically wasted the entire day. Here's to tomorrow being far more prolific! said...

Ah, Luke, sometimes we just have those days. Hope today was a better one for you. I spent yesterday at my day job and then at dance class, so I've come back to 91 emails and chapter 41 still awaits!