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Friday 18 February 2011

Stuart's Daily Word Spot: Abase

Abase: verb -  to lower, stoop; reduce in rank, office; humiliate, degrade, devalue, debase (coin).

'After she'd refused his offer of a night of passion with him, Henry was determined to abase Catherine by spreading malicious rumours suggesting her sexual habits were perverted and shocking.'

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Eileen Schuh: said...

A vivid definition that I'll never forget! You have a very active blog--full of interesting tid bits. Cool to see your interview with a fellow Canadian Writer (Sheila Stewart) from Saskatchewan. Our long, cold, dark Canadian winters create a great environment for those of us inclined to retreat into our imaginations and peck at our keyboards. said...

I'm in touch with a number of Canadians, especially through that excellent site, LinkedIn.
where a number of very interesting discussions take place, as I'm sure you know.