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Saturday 23 April 2011

Writing: 1300 Words Added.

Another relatively early start, after a great evening at my brother's house for wine, music and talk on many matters. Produced 1300 words of Ch22 and brought part of the action to a climactic moment, with plenty of threat and room for danger for a main character.
It's been a mostly domestic day; following breakfast in bed after the writing, I visited the local recycling depot and disposed of bottles and card there. Visited my brother again, to borrow his pressure washer. Washed the car, for the first time this year; well, the first time for about 6 months, if the truth be told. Lots of mud to remove and some odd spots now revealed that are in need of paint if the body isn't going to rust.
Emptied the larger of our two compost bins and spread the rich soil on the flower borders. Used the pressure washer to remove the layer of green lichen that has made the paving slabs dangerous in the wet: winter had left them with this film of green that turns into a slime when the rain falls, so i had to clean them. Half of that job done; the other half will have to wait until tomorrow.
It's Easter and it's Saturday, so that means it's Dr Who in UK. A must see TV programme.
After a busy day, physically, I think I've earned some relaxation time, so that's me finished for now. See what the morning brings.

Today's picture is of a gap in a dry stone wall. If it seems familiar, that's because I used it in combination with some other pics for the cover of my novel, Breaking Faith.
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