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Saturday 28 May 2011

Featuring The Indie Book Blogger

The Indie Book Blogger is run by Scott Poe. Here are his words about how the project started and what he does there.

My wife bought me a Kindle for this past Christmas and she probably still regrets it. I had played with the kindle app on my phone for a few months before getting the real thing, but that had been mainly mainstream authors. I had just begun to look into lesser known authors mainly because of the $0.99 price tag that a lot of their books had on Amazon. I started playing around in the forums and finding out a little bit more about the indie author community. In January I started my own thread on the Amazon forums, Looking to read and review indie fantasy books  that was basically welcoming authors to pitch their books to me and if I liked it I would write a review.
I started to actually interact with a few authors on a regular basis and really relished the sense of community that everyone enjoys. I learned how much of a struggle it is to get any attention at all paid to your books when there are thousands of authors targeting the relatively small readership that enjoys indie stories. I started my blog to bring a little bit more attention to the authors by posting my reviews, including links to their pages and other works, and doing interviews. I truly enjoyed getting to know a lot of wonderful people and feeling like I was helping a little bit.
My blog began in late January and I have gotten about 8000 hits so far. I have done several interviews with some great authors and recently have started hosting guest blogs to help authors market to a little bit of a new audience. I have also posted 57 reviews on Amazon since January and I try to read 10-15 books a month. There have been a few authors that have given me exclusive coupons or sneak peeks at their upcoming work and I feel extremely honored by their generosity. I really love being a part of such a great community even though I have no thoughts of ever writing anything of my own.

You can find the Indie Book Blogger here:

Thank you, Scott, for a valuable service to both writers and readers.

If other book bloggers would like to spread the word about their sites here on my blog, please contact me and we’ll see what we can do together. There’s a handy ‘Contact me’ link at the top of the page, just under the welcome message.

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Anonymous said...

Thanks for featuring me today Stuart. The post looks great and I can't wait to read your books. said...

You're very welcome, Scott. Enjoy the read.

Linda Acaster said...

Hey, Scott, howdy! Great to see you spreading your wings.

Can I say that Scott very kindly took "Torc of Moonlight" to his heart, and although it was well out of his usual reading fare he enjoyed it. Which just goes to show that reading outside of your usual personal zone can widen your horizons.

You offer a great service to indie writers and I wish indiebookblogger.blogspot a great future.

Anonymous said...

Scott rocks! (I'm just sayin').

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the kind words Linda and Dave. I am trying to grow a following and become a marketing tool for indie authors.

Marilyn Peake said...

Great interview, Scott! Your blog is wonderful, for both writers and readers! said...

All above, agreed.