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Sunday 22 May 2011

Writing: 2500 words this time

Janet's Foss, Malham Dale. Once the habitation of a female hermit.
The morning brought a promise of rain that was never fulfilled. But my early rise had me pounding the keys and producing 2500 words. So Ch 29 is complete and Ch 30 is begun. Some great action scenes, which is why I wrote more quickly than usual, I suspect: action requires short, snappy sentences and these tend to speed off the fingers, don't they? One of my main characters is now in peril and another 3 are trapped in a serious situation. Will they escape? Ah, that would be telling, and I don't intend to let anyone know until the book is published.
On a different note, the family went for a pleasant walk of around 6 miles across hilly country around the village of Huggate this afternoon. Some lovely scenery, but this clot forgot to check his camera battery and ended up without power less than halfway round! On the way home, we popped into one of the best fish and chip shops in the area; the shop at Wetwang (yes, that's the name of a real place - for those of you who are relatively local, Paul Hudson, the weatherman, is the nominal mayor there.) But now I'm knackered and in need of a rest, so this is it for the night.
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