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Thursday 23 June 2011

Author Interview with an Anonymous Indian Writer

This spot is reserved for writers and authors who have been published, so that they may share their views on the craft with my visitors. The following, somewhat concise, interview was conducted with an Indian who wished to remain anonymous for reasons that I found valid. Refusing the label, 'writer', this individual has answered only those questions I put that the person felt qualified to answer. I find such honesty refreshing, but I understand that some of you may consider this of less value than previous, or indeed future, interviews.

Hello, I understand the reasons for your wish to remain anonymous, however, please tell us what you can about you, as a writer.

The author was born and raised in Mumbai, India. He came to the US in 1989 to New York. He currently resides in Los Angeles with his wife and two children.

Your book has been described as a ‘coming of age’ novel; perhaps you’d you give us some insight into India Was One in a few sentences.

...Suddenly, he saw something shiny at the bottom of the abyss. He squinted his eyes to see what it was. He ran back to his binoculars and turned them to see what it was. Sharp barbed wires that separated the two mountains came into focus. He had come as far as he could in his country. But she was standing in another country. He was in South India and she was in North India... Have you ever imagined India being divided into two countries? What happens to the millions of Indians who are from South India but are now residing in North India? Kaahi & Jai were two such people who got trapped in this situation. Everything was going smoothly for them and suddenly, their world turned upside down. How will they get together? Will India become one again? Take an exciting journey with them from their college days in Mumbai to their life in the US and back to India when they find out that India is divided.

How did you come to write this particular book?

I had this idea in my mind for a long time. Finally, I decided to pen it down.

Do you have a favourite character from the book? If so, who and why this particular one?

Not really. All of them are endearing to me.

Where can people buy your book?

Amazon US, Amazon UK, Amazon Germany, Diesel, Smashwords, Barnes & Noble, Sony, Apple & Kobo.

What qualities does a writer need to be successful?

The story has to come from heart.

What’s the single biggest mistake made by beginner writers?

I am not qualified to answer this as I too am a beginner and I’m sure that I’ve made many mistakes.

To what extent are grammar and spelling important in writing?

Very. It is the most essential tool to communicate to the reader. The reader should not get distracted by these mistakes…or even worse, turned off.

 As a writer, to what extent do you think genre is useful in the publishing world?

It is very essential to know who your target audience is.

How long does it take you to write a novel?

This is the only novel I’ve written. It took me around 16 months. I started in the middle of January, 2010. It took me less than a week to pour down my initial thoughts into a Word document. And over a year to expand them.

 Is there a particular feature of writing that you really enjoy?

Thinking. To me, it was a great feeling taking a walk down the memory lane as I re-lived many moments.

Do you believe creative writing is a natural gift or an acquired skill?

Natural gift. Improving on the quality of  writing is an acquired one.

Do you have a website or blog where readers can visit?

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Rosanne Dingli said...

I'm afraid the reader is distracted by much more than mere grammar or sentence correctness - the writing itself needs to be sparkling and free of weight if it is to retain any interest at all. These responses contain indications that the novel might include language problems due to lack of editing. For example - squinting is only done by the eyes, and of course one does that to see what something is! Thinking is only done by the mind... see what I mean? There are many extra words there. Finally is never a good word to use in such a context, and of course it was a decision to write - but what else was it? Genre and target audience are two completely different things. This author's responses were restricted by anonymity and lack of experience, which one might forgive if one found anything of real interest. As the interviewer suggested before we even began to read, there wasn't.

Anonymous said...

Actually, I found the answers quite honest. They seem to come straight from the heart. I agree with the interviewer. They are quite refreshing, and the message is not camouflaged in a verbal cloak as if the writer is trying to pretend that he/she is an experienced writer.

As far as the book is concerned, I can't comment on it as I've not read it...yet. said...

Rosanne, I agree. And, I'd include the unfortunate use of 'Suddenly' as the opening word in the Synopsis. It's one of those personal 'hates' of mine. Whenever I see 'Suddenly' at the start of a sentence, I lose the desire to continue reading.
But, I felt the interview was worth posting, even if only to present the view of someone who has written without being a writer.
And, Anonymous, thanks for your observations. The piece is refreshing in its simplicity, isn't it?