Table: noun - flat
slab or board, usually a thin sheet of wood, stone, metal, a board, plate,
slab, or tablet forming a surface; In architecture - a horizontal member projecting
as a string course or cornice; flat rectangular vertical surface, sunk into or
projecting beyond the surrounding surface, a panel; board or other flat surface
for a painted picture, the picture; In palmistry - a quadrangle between lines on
the palm of the hand; In anatomy - either of two dense bony layers of the skull
separated by the diploe; a flat plate or board used with or forming part of a
mechanism or apparatus; a flat metal plate for supporting something to be
worked on; the upper part of the soundboard in an organ, perforated to admit
air to the pipes; In a full table diamond – a diamond cut with a large flat
upper surface surrounded by smaller facets, the flat surface of a table diamond
or other gem; a flat elevated tract of land, tableland, plateau or flat
mountain top; large flat circular sheet of crown glass; crystal of flattened or
short prismatic form; raised board at which people may sit, piece of furniture
consisting of a raised flat top of wood, or other solid material, supported on
one or more legs, and used to place things on for various purposes; company of
people at table, a group seated for dinner; an official body of people who do
business around a table; the provision of food for meals; supply of food in a
household; tabulated arrangement or statement; systematic display of numbers,
words, or items in a definite and compact form; a display of information in
columns and lines occupying a single defined area; list, written or recited, of
multiplications of two factors, weights, measures; collection of data stored in
memory as a series of records, each defined by a unique key stored with it.
‘Jock, Henry, Glenda and Paul sat around the table, eating
curry and discussing the end of season table of the Premier League.’
‘When partying, which she did frequently, it wasn’t uncommon
for Janice to step up onto the table, slip off her clothes and dance nude for
all and sundry.’
‘James created a table on the computer to show the
relationship between the cost of items bought and the frequency of such
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