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Friday 14 October 2011

Stuart's Daily Word Spot: Pathetic

Pathetic: adjective - bringing about an effect on the emotions; moving, stirring; causing pity or sadness; full of pathos; arising from or expressing strong emotion; passionate, earnest; miserably inadequate, feeble, useless (colloquially); in pathetic fallacy - the assignment of human emotions or responses to inanimate things or animals in art and literature.

'When he was accused of fraudulently claiming expenses to which he wasn't entitled, the politician made some pathetic excuse about his lack of awareness of the rules.'

Jodie turned her back on the man beside her. 'You're a pathetic excuse for a man, John. I don't know why I let you take me in like that. Now, get out of my bed and don't ever come back.'

Pathetic Fallacy:
'Old Man Willow wept copious tears, swelling the stream into which his roots spread, as he contemplated the swan's sorry loss of his lifetime partner to the carelessly discarded fishing tackle left by an angler.'

Pic|: Trout stream in Driffield, East Yorkshire.

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