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Saturday 5 November 2011

#NaNoWriMo day 5 progress - to 23401 words.

First of all, that total makes it look as though I've done a lunatic number of words today. But that's because yesterday I missed out the words from one session, so they've been added to the total for today. I actually had to go through the chapters and note the total words for each and then add them up as my scrap paper on the desk was so full of figures, I hadn't a clue where I was!
Anyway, had a couple of brill ideas overnight: good job I keep a Moleskine and a pen in the bedroom, otherwise I'd have lost those bright sparks.
Still enjoying the weaving of the tale, though I did feel a bit weary at the end of today's last session. Everything moving forward, even if there have been a couple of amusing, if unintended, diversions: we're still moving forward, which is what matters.
Had to add a couple of characters to my spreadsheet timeline, but they were already prepared and just waiting in the wings for me to bring them on stage. So much about this seems to depend on the preparation before the NaNoWriMo challenge starts.
Ah, well, time for relaxation. See what the morrow brings.
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