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Wednesday 2 November 2011

#NaNoWriMo Progress, Day 2 = 6556 words so far

Funny day. I should have been in the office for the morning; it's my half day on Wednesday. But I awoke and, when I got out of bed, almost fell over. I showered and breakfasted as usual but every time I stood up I felt as though I was going to fall over and I had to use the walls to support me as I walked about the house. Even when I was sitting, I felt weirdly dizzy and disorientated. I clearly wasn't safe enough to drive to work and I couldn't walk to and from the bus stop, so I called work and went back to bed. By mid morning I was starting to feel just a little less odd and by midday I was starting to feel a bit more normal. But a short walk to town quickly showed me I was anything but back to normal again.
I managed a writing session late afternoon and did a little over 2,000 words. After the evening meal, I had another go and I've managed to complete 3620 words in total today, so still well on target, with a total of 6556 words, and chapter 3 just started. Let's hope tomorrow greets me with a bit more normality.
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