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Monday 21 November 2011

#NaNoWriMo progress; day 21 = 88247 words

A day at the office, and, as soon as I've done this post, a spell of ballroom dancing with my wife. Hence a short post this time.
But I've managed another 2,182 words in a couple of short sessions either side of the evening meal, taking my NaNoWriMo total to 88,247 and keeping my average word count at 4,202 each day.
Wordle has provided me with another useful graphic, which will be invaluable come the edit. This one shows Chapter 24 and the keen-eyed will no doubt notice some words now making a prominent appearance. What they all mean, however, will have to wait until the end. Once edited and published, all will be revealed for those wishing to read 'An Accidental Avenger'.

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