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Tuesday 31 December 2013

Happy New Year 2014

Sunset or sunrise? You choose.
Another spell of 365 days has passed. The New Year promises much, is replete with potential. Will we harvest the fruits of our talent and labour? Or will we fritter away the next year, as we might have done the last? That's the beauty of a New Year: it gives us hope and choice. Whether we select 'same old, same old' or opt for 'everything changes' or some road between is entirely up to us.

I prefer the New Year to Christmas. Xmas is all about children (bless their little hearts!) and the commercialisation of ritual giving. But New Year marks a new opportunity, a point of change, a fulcrum for potential.

New Year Resolutions will proliferate; but not from me. I make only one resolution: to make no resolutions.

But I have intentions, dreams, plans, hopes. There will be more books from my pounded keyboard, posts on this blog, tweets via that truncated network, pins to the boards of interest, status updates on the book of my face, additions to the google plus, comments on the output of others. I will read more and record that activity on Goodreads, reviewing those volumes that please me. But, more than anything else, this new season of days will find me writing, writing writing.

I wish all of you all that you wish for yourselves. May 2014 be THE year for all of us!
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