There’s still plenty to do: Networks need updating with the new book,
volume 3 is still undergoing the penultimate edit, and the writing contest page
needs an update. But, my priority on return home was to alter my work space.
The quality of the spot we work in can seriously impact the effectiveness
of our hours spent at the keyboard. This is a creative space, after all. For what
I considered practical reasons, I’d arranged my desk so that I had my back to
the window. This, in turn, meant the window had to have a blind to prevent daylight
reflecting off the computer screen. But, as a place to write with imagination,
it lacked the right feel.
So, I gave the arrangement a proper look, considered my actual options,
and decided there was more sense in altering my position so that the window was
beside me.
I’ve spent the day making the changes. Not just the furniture, which is
pretty minimal in this tiny room, but changing the location of some books,
making the computer set-up more user friendly, chucking out some of the rubbish
that inevitably congregates over time. It’s been physically demanding, but worth
the effort and time.
I’m now sitting with daylight to my right and shelves lined with books to
back and front. There are still a few minor changes to be made, but they’ll be
done piecemeal. The room is clean and dust free again and I can actually find
things I need.
It’s both settling and energising, this change. Too often we allow
ourselves to put up with what we have because it seems like too much trouble to
alter it. I feel better for the changes. Feel better. And that’s the
significant thing. Change can be transformational or, at the very least,
inspirational, if we look at it in positive terms.
So, have a look at your work space (if you have one) and decide whether
it really is the best you can make it. I look forward to a more productive and
inspired time in here now. Once this piece is posted, I’ll get on with some new
writing. Have a go, see if it reinvigorates your writing muscles as it has
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