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Monday 22 September 2014

Ruled by Intellect or Emotion? Tips on Word Choice #3

English: Robert Plutchik's Wheel of Emotions
English: Robert Plutchik's Wheel of Emotions (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Certain words/phrases can induce fairly specific responses in readers. As writers, we all know this, but do we use the power of emotion in our work?

I set out here to suggest a few alternatives some weeks ago. Since then, several barriers have prevented me making regular posts. However, I’m now able to resume, so here goes.

In this series I’ll look at the difference between those words that seem intellectual as opposed to those that invoke a more emotional response. How you use them is obviously up to you. The point is that the alternatives have the same, or very similar, meanings, but their effect upon the reader can be markedly different. I’ve made some suggestions here, but I’m sure you can think of others.

Intellectual: Additionally
Emotional: there’s more

Cameron gave several reasons for the loathing he experienced from the Scots; additionally, he included the north of England in his pretence to give a damn about the welfare of the people.

Gordon listed the things he most liked about Sarah. He paused when he saw she was less than enthusiastic. ‘And, there’s more.’ He said, adding those qualities he hoped she might treasure.

Intellectual: Concerning
Emotional: About

‘I have to give a talk to my fellow politicians concerning their inability to understand the concept of honesty.’ Said the MP.

‘I’ve got to talk to those prats in Parliament about their total lack of honesty.’ Said the trade union leader.

Intellectual: Perspiration
Emotional: Sweat

There is, in the perspiration of extended effort, the joy of experiencing the reward for hard work.

‘Good, honest sweat never hurt me, mate.’

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