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Friday, 31 October 2014

#BookADayUK; A Reader Event For October. Last Day

Odd Thomas (novel)
Odd Thomas (novel) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Well, it's been a bit of a marathon, but hopefully has made some readers consider using their local independent bookshop (if you're lucky enough to have one!) to purchase their books. The Books Are My promotion has lasted the entire month of October, and I've tried to post on each theme as it's occurred.

Todays, more or less inevitably, I suppose, is 'Spookiest read'. Spookiest? Well, I've read a lot of books that have set my nerves jangling, made me look over my shoulder for that vague sound behind me, got me twitching the curtains to see who is lurking in the back garden. Can I recall the title of a single one? Not today (but it has been a rather peculiar day with an early morning journey to rescue my daughter after she crashed her car - no injury, but a bit of a bent car. Didn't get to bed until 03:15 and then up at 08:00 to get the car recovered and into the garage for repairs!).

So, it looks as though I've had to call on Goodreads to remind me. And I've come up with Dean Koontz and Odd Thomas. Let's face it, a book about a guy who sees dead people is pretty spooky. It's a good read and I'd recommend you try it.

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