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Saturday, 29 November 2014

A Couple of Nonfiction Pieces in Print.

Generally, I write fiction: it satisfies my imagination. But, currently, I’m preparing a nonfiction book to describe my experiences of ME/CFS in order to help sufferers and their helpers. Along the way, I’ve ventured into some short nonfiction pieces for publications. And, I suppose, most of my blog posts here and the stuff I’ve placed on ReadWave is nonfiction. I’m a writer, and I let the piece choose the genre.

It’s always satisfying to have work published, no matter how brief and transitory it may be. This week, I had a short piece of personal memoir published in a local daily newspaper, The Yorkshire Post. It was an observation on regional stereotypes presented in humorous form. And it’s a piece for which I’ll be paid, which is a nice bonus. Also this week I’ve had a short article published in the major UK  Writing Magazine, a monthly publication, that has a section for subscribers to tell the world their news. I wrote a piece on my great experience at Fantasticon 2014 and it’s now appeared in the current issue (January 2015).

Both of these short features have put my name, and in the case of the writing mag, my website address, in front of a wider readership. There’s the possibility that readers of the journals may investigate further and I may, as result, gain new readers for my fiction.

So, if you generally confine your activity to fiction only, perhaps you might consider the occasional foray into journalism. These publications certainly cheered up an otherwise stressful week for me. Have a go. What have you to lose?

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