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Tuesday 1 March 2011

Edit, what edit?

Three things have happened since I started this.
First of all, I decided I had come to the end of the first volume. Then, I had this enforced break, described below, and realised that, in fact, I can't end the book at that particular point as it leaves one of the main characters in a situation that readers wouldn't appreciate at the end of a volume. So, I'll have to do a few more chapters.
The break has occurred because I decided to bite the bullet and buy a laptop, mostly for my wife to use (at present she shares our daughter's PC, but Kate is due to go to University later this year and will need to take it with her, of course. Also, as her studies grow more intense in the run-up to the exams in June, she'll need free access to her PC). Of course, the new laptop runs on Windows 7 and I've installed Office 2010. this means, for my PC to be compatible, I had to install Win7 and Office 2010 on that as well!
I'm almost there now. But work is particularly busy at this time of the year as well, so I'm pretty weary when I return home.
With luck, I'll return to the edit on Thursday (my week ends on a Wednesday, as I work part time due to ME/CFS). So, watch this space for the next update. If you can stand the tension!
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