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Sunday 3 April 2011

Stuart's Daily Word Spot: Setting

Cinderella, illustration by Carl OffterdingerImage via Wikipedia
Setting: noun -  The way or position in which something is fixed or placed; the way a machine or device is set to operate; the way a gem is mounted, the frame or bed of such a gem; the arrangement of hoops and pegs in Croquet; a person or thing's surroundings; a time or place in which a story, play, scene, is shown as happening, the scenery or staging for such; how a poem or form of words is set to music; the finishing coat of plaster on a wall; cutlery, crockery, glasses, needed to set a place for someone at table; the sinking of a celestial object on the horizon, the direction where this occurs, the fall of night or darkness; becoming hard, or stiff, solidification, coagulation.

‘Prince Charming was eager to ensure that the setting for his proposal to Cinderella was as perfect as he could devise it.’

‘When the blonde saw the number of diamonds clustered in the setting on the ring the rich man offered, she complied at once with his every wish.’

‘Esmeralda sought the entire states for the perfect setting in which to place the final act of her play, but was defeated when the setting concrete of her foundation failed to release her unwisely placed feet.’

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