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Thursday 14 April 2011

Writing: a Slight Pause for Some Character Development

It has been a long day. The morning saw me working on Ch20, which is now to 3370 words and page 190. But I reached a point where, due to story development, I needed to conjure 8 new characters. I generally start such profiles with a picture (I have over 1500 on file, collected at random from the internet during searches for other things). These are classified into the two genders and split into age groups and hair colour, simply to make the filing more manageable. I also have a list of names I made up when I started writing the fantasy. Having settled on 8 names and decided on the mix of genders (5 male and 3 female in this case), I selected the pictures and then began the profiles. So far, I have 4 of the males done. The morning will see the others fleshed out and ready to join the adventure.
Meanwhile, I've been out to town, walking, with my wife. Collected currency for Kate for her holiday in Turkey, and sun tan cream and a new shower head. The fun I have when shopping! Don't know how I cope with the excitement. Also brought the Writing Contests page up to date. It now contains over 130 links to various competitons - if you're interested in such things, take a look under the tab above.
Of course, as I'm still recovering from the current spell of CFS, I've had to rest a few times and will do so again when I've finished this post; that'll be me for today.
And here is a local picture for you.
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