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Monday 30 May 2011

Writing: 2300 Words Toward the Target

Another day almost done, another long weekend closing. But, I managed to make my target, with 2300 words completed before breakfast. Tomorrow, of course, I'm back in the office and Tuesday, being my long day, is not the best day for output. Still, we'll see what the morrow brings.
I've also done 5 of the new character profiles and hyperlinked them to the timeline, so I can keep a check on consistency. The story has taken an exciting turn for one of the threads in particular and I'm enjoying the telling of the tale.
I've organised another 3 author interviews today and made preparations for several more blog posts, as well as updating the Writing Contests page again. Worth a visit if you'd like the chance to win some cash for your works of written genius. Talking of visits; I've been blogging seriously for coming up to a year. The counter for pageviews is close to 25,000 for the year. If you feel like inviting a few friends to pay a visit, I might just reach that target by the end of the month and make it for the full year. That would be great.
Now, however, enough for the day. Preparation for tomorrow's attendance at the office, and some quality time spent with my wife, I think.
Today's picture is of Sissi harbour, Crete, where I spent a great holiday a couple of years ago.
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