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Wednesday 8 June 2011

Writing: 2500 Words This Afternoon

After a morning spent in the somewhat tedious occupation of earning brass, I came home to do some real work. Another 2500 words flowed from the fingertips and into the growing files. One of the protagonists justifying his attempts to grasp power and another fearing he is about to meet a watery end, in the desert! I leave you to ponder on that one.
An early post tonight as it's my evening for the writing group; a must-have stimulous for me.
Managed to schedule another few Word Spot posts and another author interview. Tomorrow sees Ian Alexander explaining his approach to the craft of writing epic fantasy. Certainly worth a visit, I think.
Now, I need a brief rest before I eat something and then travel the meandering English road toward the sea and my writing group. So I'll wish you all, 'Good night'.
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