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Saturday 19 November 2011

#NaNoWriMo Progress on Day 19 = 80,518 Words

The ITIN application is now in the post to the US Embassy in London. Be interesting to see how quickly they deal with this. Though I'm glad they provide the service, as it's very costly to do it direct to Texas.
The antibiotics have finally stopped the toothache, so my sinuses are clearing: it's good to breathe freely again.
Short walk today, under grey skies. Have another once I've done this, before settling down for the last of the evening.
The challenge through NaNoWriMo is still going well, with an extra 4,800 odd words added to bring the grand total to 80,518, which is about two thirds of my target. I had one of those eureka moments today, whilst I was sharing breakfast in bed with my wife. So, I've had to do a new character profile, which involved finding a suitable picture from the web (I always base my characters on a picture, as I'm a pretty visual guy). Found a suitable lass and got the profile completed and added to the spreadsheet timeline. This new character, although entering the story relatively late in the day, has given me a real boost. I think she'll not only make the book a better tale, but will also make it possible to turn what was going to be a stand-alone into a short series; probably three.
So, looking forward to the next session, tomorrow. Hope all the other challengers out there are doing well and not getting disheartened. It's a tough task to complete this challenge, but it's worth the effort to end up with a new novel at the end.
And then begins the editing, of course.

The Wordle picture is from Chapter 22. Isla's name is very prominent, so I'll have to check that when I do the editing. Of course, the chapter is very much about her and Mel's relationship to her, so not surprising her name comes up a lot.
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