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This is a modern version, not the one I read, and may contain more information. |
Subtitled, Influence
of the Phallic Idea in the Religions of Antiquity, this book came my way as
one of a small collection given me by my brother when he was sorting stuff out prior
to a move to a new house with less space. He used to work in a book store and
has a number of fairly unusual titles in his library. This was one he hadn't
got round to reading, but the title and subtitle intrigued me.
This small volume, first published in 1875, sets out to
examine the influence of the phallic, or male, component in ancient religion.
But it takes this idea into modern religion, suggesting that the ancient
beliefs, customs and rites have been absorbed and altered by modern celebrants
in forms recognisable to those who wish to see.
There's some Latin, untranslated, and a colossal amount of
reference to often obscure issues that were, presumably, well known to scholars
of the time. But, for a modern reader, these references remain unexplained and
would require a great deal of research to track down and more time than most
people have these days for such esoteric issues. Whilst those who already have
a deep interest in the symbolism employed in worship will undoubtedly
understand the references, the rest of us will remain confused. However, much
is clarified by context and, having an interest in many subjects, I was able to
apprehend a lot of what the authors allude to, though other items consisted of
listings of arcane information lacking any hook on which I could hang it.
That the book was written in the Victorian era, with its
dreadful hypocrisy regarding all matters sexual, shows in the circumspection
that rules the writing. Where, today, we would name the penis, testes, vulva
and breasts without fear or embarrassment, the authors are constrained by the
customs of their times and therefore have to express much of their ides in
convoluted form or by the use of metaphor, much of which is couched in classical
references that will be lost on many modern readers.
A second factor in preventing the authors expressing
themselves frankly and with clarity is their sensitivity to the feelings of
those who profess a faith. Again, today, such sensitivities can be dealt with more
openly, showing respect rather than reverence. In the time the book was
published however, such frankness, leading to real clarity, would have probably
prevented publication.
So, an already difficult subject is made more obscure for
reasons that are no longer valid. As the ideas and information explored are
still valid and in need of wider publicity, I'd love to see some modern scholar
produce a similar volume for today's reader with a much clearer text. Perhaps
it's been done and I simply haven't come across the book.
As it is, this book can really only be read by the general
reader as a partial glimpse into the subject. Those with a good knowledge of ancient
history, religion and symbolism will glean a good deal more, however. Many of
the ideas expressed as certainties have, of course, been placed in doubt or
even refuted by more recent discoveries of texts from such sources as the Dead
Sea Scrolls and other ancient records and parchments retrieved from many
different sources by modern archaeologists.
Members of religious organisations will no doubt be outraged
by suggestions that the roots of their current dogma and rites grew from
ancient forms of worship that were definitely based in reproduction and
sexuality, often in very explicit acts of devotion, sacrifice and propitiation
to the early deities. But a dispassionate and disinterested examination of the
rites, customs and beliefs of such groups quickly establishes their ancient
links with many practices and myths no longer considered either right or
A demanding read, not for the faint-hearted.
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