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Monday 19 August 2013

A Belated Update.

Forgive me, for I have sinned. Some time ago, I promised to keep you up to date with my progress on the fantasy trilogy I’m writing. Well, I’ve neglected to do that. And the only excuse is…memory, or the lack of it. Put it down to extreme old age. (there have been other issues, but I’d prefer not to share them, if you don’t mind).

Anyway, here it is. The update on progress, that is.

The MS for the volume 1 remains with a publisher. I expect to hear some news on that in the not tooooo distant future.

Volume 3 is now well under way, with 65,234 words applied to the file. I was hoping to create around 3,500 per day, but life has a way of obstructing enterprise sometimes. Suffice it to say that my beautiful wife, in trying to help her fellow bowlers, slipped on the wet floor of her bowls club and broke her wrist in two places. For some reason, she seems to think this means she can’t perform certain of the household tasks. I mean, what an excuse for not doing the washing up, eh? Anyway, yours truly has become cook, bottle-washer and general factotum for the past few weeks. I’ve picked up a number of useful skills along the way, but it’s rather invaded my writing time. That ironing won’t do itself, you know. So, my target of finishing the first draft by a certain date in September (a self-imposed target set for reasons which will become clear in the fullness of time) will almost certainly be missed by a fairly wide margin. No matter, the book will be written, just a little later than intended.

Obviously, once I have a launch date (assuming I get a contract) for publication of volume 1, I’ll let you know.

For now, however, I’ll try to remember to update with a brief word count on a daily, weekly or, more likely ad-hoc, basis.

Watch this space.
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