For the places, I may use sections of the map, to indicate location,
along with a description of the place, as I see it, and, where appropriate,
links with characters. Perhaps I’ll indicate the way of life there with a short
anecdote or story. I won’t reveal any of the main story, either as already
published or as written in the series, merely enhance readers’ enjoyment of the
trilogy by providing more information. I hope this gives pleasure to those who’ve
bought the book and, perhaps, persuades others to take that step.
Pronunciation hints:
Dagla Kaz – pronounced exactly as written.
Names are pronounced
phonetically. But this is my take on them; how I hear them in my head. You may
pronounce them as you wish; reading is, after all, active rather than passive.
Dagla Kaz – The High Priest – with the Fantasy Editor of Fantastic Books Publishing:
Dagla Kaz is an average
man gone bad; really bad. He’s around 62 years old, a tall, lanky, bald man
with little personal grace. A despot, he’s been corrupted by almost absolute
power and by the input of ‘voices in his head’. His tone is arch.
FE: You’ve
been a difficult character, Dagla Kaz.
Dagla Kaz: You helped make me. You have no right to complain.
FE: There’s
some truth in that, of course. But I
doubt you see yourself in the same way as I do.
Dagla Kaz: You
think not? Perhaps there’s something in what you say. We all delude ourselves
about certain aspects of our personality and the way we live our lives. But you
gave me power: is it any surprise if I use it?
FE: You’re
aware of its tendency to corrupt?
Dagla Kaz: Nothing
but the wailing of weakness. Powerful leaders, especially we men, are essential
to the control and function of the world. Imagine what would happen if leaders
were as weak as those they govern. Can’t you see the destruction and chaos that
would result?
FE: You
believe firm leadership is essential. That may be true. But to take advantage
of that power: is that just and fair?
Dagla Kaz: Just
and fair? You talk like a soft-hearted woman. Use your wits, man; what few you
possess. Is life fair? Is there justice in nature? Of course not. Red in tooth
and claw, they say, don’t they? And with good cause. Life is hard and bleak and
sharp. It’s every soul for itself. If I don’t take advantage of my position,
use my gifts and brilliance for personal gain, what’s the point? I might just
as well be as lazy, indifferent and complacent as the flock I lead. I mean,
look at them: no ambition, no interest outside their own small circle. Lazy:
they want people like me to do their thinking for them. Well, if they want me
to control what they think, I might as well ensure those thoughts benefit me,
don’t you think?
FE: And
what of altruism?
Dagla Kaz: Fool!
Do you see altruism in the wild? Will a terzet horn neglect its powerful
armoury to let you wander free and unmolested over its domain? Of course it
won’t. The great lumbering beast will slice you with its sharp horns and tusks
and crush you beneath its enormous feet without a thought. That’s what life is
like. You and your fluffy vision of love and companionship; you make me sick.
FE: You
extend your scorn to your children?
Dagla Kaz: What
are children but small adults awaiting their chance to usurp power? I gave them
life. It’s up to them to make the best of that. Why should I expend time and
energy on caring for them? Let them get on with it and learn the lessons life
provides. Children are either a burden or useful servants for their parents. I
know which I prefer.
FE: Servants
are generally paid.
Dagla Kaz: Paid?
You want me to give my offspring coin as well as all the other advantages my
patronage confers? I gave them life and I give her a roof over her head, food
on the table, clothes to cover her delightful form, tattoos to decorate her
skin. She earns such things; the other deserves no more than an agonising
death, renegade bowelcreep! What more should I give?
FE: Love,
Dagla Kaz: Love,
bah! Love is for fools whose hearts govern their heads, or even bigger fools
who allow their loins to control them. Love. Give me the honest transaction of
sex every time. No messy emotional tangles and pleasure shared according to
status and facility to accept the proper roles of each partner. Love: you make
me sick with your soft-hearted care and concern. Get back to your pen and
parchment, man, and play with your fantasies. But let me live my life with
proper purpose. I’m done talking with you.
FE: Thank
you, Dagla Kaz. That has been most enlightening.
Dagla Kaz: Bah!
Dagla Kaz:
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