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Friday 18 March 2011

Edit Going Well

Red Nose Day - Press LaunchImage by Red Nose Day 2009 via FlickrAn interesting and, in some ways, productive day. Chapter 4 of the new book 2 is now done, with some small additions to reflect its new position in the scheme of things. Book 1 is now up to chapter 16 with the alterations and corrections to the text.

The buddleia is trimmed back, the hedge bordering the south western side of the garden is tamed. And both will now give better displays when spring comes into its own. Two of the four borders are now free of their weeds and a couple of plants that were in unsuitable spots have been transplanted to better locations.

Tonight, in the UK, is Red Nose Day, a celebration of comedy on the TV, run to raise money for charitable organisations here and in Africa. Its a biennial event, alternating with Children In Need, which does the same sort of thing exclusively for children's charities. For me, these are two nights when I must participate and watch. There is  mix of pathos and comedy and a great deal of money is generally raised for good causes, so I shall sign off now and spend the evening in front of the box with my family.
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